With AliveSim, you can simulate in-person training and coaching in realistic, interactive, simulated scenarios with virtual peers and mentors.
Add realistic decision-making practice to leadership, sales, coaching, risk management, company culture, ethics, onboarding, and DEI training.
Training imparts knowledge of what to do. Safely practicing (at low risk) when and how to apply that knowledge in realistic situations transfers that training investment into changes in performance. This skill-driven methodology can be scaled with AliveSim technology.
Enable learners to develop the skill and confidence to properly apply existing and new training knowledge in real-world situations.
Develop role-plays for your most valued decision-making situations that are consistent, measurable, and scalable across the organization.
Scale your best coaches by embedding how they would correctively mentor learners as they make suboptimal virtual decisions.
AliveSim is stable, proven, cloud-based technology designed to be easily incorporated into your training mix with simple web links.
AliveSim analytics gives you visibility into learner decision making and identifies where learners needed the most corrective mentoring.
Global training needs? Cost effectively translate AliveSim programs into multiple languages utilizing machine learning (AI) technologies.
AliveSim simulates what your best coaches do every day in a cost-effective, scalable way.
Peers awkwardly role-playing with each other at the end of an instructor-led training session is hardly ideal. One-on-one role plays with an expert coach, however, would be tremendous, yet impossible to scale.
Enter AliveSim.
AliveSim allows your learners to role-play with virtual humans, make decisions, and receive conversational feedback. Artificial intelligence (AI), common in video games, is used to embed your very best coaching for every learner.
Consistency. All learners experience your very best virtual practice and coaching.
Scalable. Deliver across your organization, even worldwide.
Measurable. Every decision is captured and mapped to your performance gaps, so you know exactly where learners struggled.
Immersive Technology.
AliveSim's Skill-Driven Methodology is supported by substantial cognitive learning research.
Simulating realistic situations has proven to be highly effective in all kinds of skill-based training, from military, to medicine, to aviation. And the same approach applies to many areas of skill-based training in the workplace.
Syandus won 8 awards from the National Science Foundation for its innovative work in adult learning technology.
92% of learners reported that the AliveSim will increase their competence and performance.
Up to 4x improvement in competence.
63% of learners on average require mentoring to recognize an optimal decision path.
84 Net Promotor Score
Syandus: Virtual immersive learning technology that transforms knowledge into real-world performance. We immerse participants in realistic virtual situations with one-on-one expert coaching that gives them experience making optimal decisions. Syandus Learning Modules combine cognitive science principles, the realism of game technology, and our customer’s proprietary content, to deliver rapid skill acquisition. Modules are cloud-based for easy deployment, fully trackable with embedded analytics, and can be used on any web-enabled device.
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