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Introducing AliveSim 

The AliveSim Platform gives pharmaceutical brands the power to create personalized experiences designed to engage HCPs and drive meaningful behavior change.

Better Engagement with Your Brand

Personal experience changes behaviors. AliveSim gives you the tools to create interactive conversations around key messages, and set up decisions with personalized, conversational mentoring on each option.

Engage Physicians

Create simulations that drive the adoption of brand strategies.

  • Disease Awareness. Identify patients earlier by recognizing signs of a disease or condition.
  • Hands-on experience using therapy with decision-making and mentoring.
  • Recognize patient types and appropriate therapy options.
  • Explore treatment options with expert mentoring on each choice.
  • Drive Adherence by proactively addressing side effects and adverse events.

Train MSLs / Sales Reps

Create simulations to experience how to effectively navigate the science and the conversation.

  • Manage the Conversation. Navigate topics with virtual physicians and handle their objections.
  • Physician’s Perspective. Experience the challenges physicians face when managing their patients.
Sales Rep with Doctor

Educate Patients

Set up interactive virtual conversations with virtual peers and clinicians to help patients:

  • Recognize disease impact and need for therapy.
  • Gain confidence in the treatment to improve adherence.
  • Proactively manage side effects to minimize treatment interruptions.

Our Pharmaceutical Experience

  • We partner with medical communications agencies to innovate HCP engagement.   
  • We speak your language, and have experience navigating MLR.
  • We apply our medical knowledge to help you best use AliveSim to meet your goals.

Why Skill-Driven Learning Changes Behaviors  

Knowing something rarely changes one’s behavior. One must feel confident they have the skill to apply that knowledge, in the right situations, without causing harm. That’s when their behavior changes.


Skill development is the proven way to overcome these barriers to change. It’s used effectively in the military, aviation, business, and medical education. It’s a great fit for pharmaceutical brands too.

Skill-Driven Approach Valued by HCPs

  • The Proven Approach is hands-on practice, with a coach or mentor providing expert feedback.  
  • It's highly personalized. HCPs practice making decisions and recognize patterns of expert thinking via nuanced coaching.
  • The underlying learning methodologies for skill-driven learning are very different from those used to acquire knowledge. 

 Technology to Scale Skill-Driven Engagement

  • While highly effective, it’s impractical and expensive to scale personalized coaching with clinical experts. 
  • That’s why AliveSim was designed to replicate this personalized experience using scalable, virtual technology.   
  • The Result. An economical way for clinicians to develop the competence and confidence to adopt new medical strategies with your brand. 

The Cognitive Science of Skill Development

Practice with coaching is the essential part of the adult learning continuum that accelerates knowledge transfer to real-world situations.  (That's behavior change!)

Learn More

Skill development is the bridge between “knowledge” and clinically treating patients.

How AliveSim Works


The Innovation

  • AliveSim combines cognitive science principles, the realism of game technology, and clinical faculty expertise, to deliver rapid skill acquisition.
  • Participants are immersed in realistic virtual situations with one-on-one expert coaching that gives them experience making optimal decisions.

The Technology 

  • Cloud-based for easy deployment
  • Accessible from any web-enabled device, including phones
  • Virtual experiences with 3D game technology
  • Fluid, interactive conversation and animation 
  • Designed with embedded analytics 
NSF logo

Syandus won multiple Small Business Innovation Research awards from the National Science Foundation that fueled the development of the AliveSim platform. It's now a stable, proven, platform for effective learning in healthcare and corporate training.

How to Use AliveSim Within an Omni-channel Strategy

Provide access to your branded AliveSim portal from a booth, reps, web events, and across digital media, using a simple web link.   


Bring an Innovative Idea to Your Brand Team  

  • AliveSim gives your agency a new set of tools to meet your client's needs.
  • We have proven technology and processes, plus we're easy to work with!
  • By design, AliveSim can be leveraged across channels, opening up opportunities. 
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Measure Results

AliveSim captures thousands of learner decisions to measure how well they performed in realistic clinical situations.

Analytics Built In - Not an Afterthought

Measurement components are proactively built into each clinical decision, based on performance gaps identified by your team.  


What AliveSim Captures: 

  • Clinical preferences when more than one option is appropriate.
  • Decisions that required the most corrective mentoring (63% of learner decisions, on average, require mentoring)
  • Suboptimal or inappropriate actions learners choose in specific clinical situations
  • Cohort analysis for differences in performance by profession, specialty, and experience level.
Example medical education outcomes

Measurable Increases in Confidence, Competence, and Performance

Resonates with Clinicians (hundreds more quotes available) 

"I like the format, almost hands-on." — Physician, Family Practice

“This was actually like a real-life scenario. The patient’s characteristics are what one deals with on a regular basis. It actually felt as if one was dealing with real patients.”    — MD, Internal Medicine

“I think it was great overall! Nice to be able to learn in a more interactive setting. Would appreciate more for all of the main cancer types! "  — Medical Oncologist

"This way is the best way for learning and refreshing our knowledge about HIV management."  — MD/DO, Infectious Disease

Improved Competence within AliveSim: An Example

Performance Gap: Not recognizing optimal treatment options in severe atopic dermatitis 


By practicing in three scenarios with expert mentoring on their decisions, participants improved their ability to recognize optimal decision patterns that experts use.

Reasons to Get Started

  • Introduce innovative learning to your audiences.
  • Better achieve medical education goals with AliveSim. 
  • Explore how easy it is to work with us using our proven processes.  
  • Enhance marketing channels with a new means of engagement.
  • Measure the utilization and gain insightful analytics.
Doctors Talking

What are you waiting for? 

Let's innovate your medical education initiatives with AliveSim.

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