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Behavior Change

AliveSim creates safe opportunities to virtually practice and receive personalized corrective mentoring, two essential components of skill-driven learning that drive behavior change.

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Decision Analytics

Because AliveSim captures thousands of learner decisions, it can report on clinical preferences, where learners needed the most mentoring, and in-depth insights via cohort analysis.

Hands-on Experience Drives Changes in Clinical Behavior

Personal experience changes behaviors. One must feel confident they have the skill to apply new knowledge, in the right situations, without causing harm. That’s when their behavior changes.


Skill development is the proven way to overcome these barriers to change. It’s used effectively in the military, aviation, business, and medical education. AliveSim gives medical educators a way to use this learning modality in an economical, scalable way. 

Skill-Driven Learning

  • The Proven Approach is hands-on practice, with a coach or mentor providing expert feedback.
  • Its highly personalized. Learners practice making decisions, and recognize patterns of expert thinking via nuanced coaching.
  • The underlying learning methodologies for skill-driven learning are very different from those used to acquire knowledge.

Technology to Scale Skill-Driven Learning

  • While highly effective, it’s impractical and expensive to scale personalized coaching with experts.
  • That’s why AliveSim was designed to replicate this personalized experience using scalable, virtual technology.
  • The Result. An economical way for clinicians to develop the competence and confidence to adopt new medical strategies.

Are simulations too hard to make? 

Not anymore!

Syandus does the heavy lifting for you.  We are experts at developing interactive medical content to your specifications, on time.  A Syandus Medical Lead facilitates faculty meetings, develops content for your approval, and ensures everything goes smoothly.   

AliveSim Utilization in Continuing Medical Education

The AliveSim platform is used by our MECC and medical society collaborators as a standalone CME experience (with knowledge, practice, and coaching) or embedded within knowledge-based activities to reinforce acquired knowledge and safely practice using it.   


Disease States

The disease states where AliveSim has been shown to be effective is growing.

Oncology | Endocrinology | Infectious Disease | Dermatology | Sleep Medicine | Neurology | Respiratory | Rheumatology | Gastrointestinal | Ophthalmology | Blood Disorders | Immunology and Allergy | Renal Disease | Cardiovascular


Independent Grant Supporters

AliveSim programs have received recurring support from most of the pharmaceutical industry.  


Example Use Cases to Close Performance Gaps

AliveSim can utilized to close many types of performance gaps in continuing medical education. Below are a few Performance Gaps along with the AliveSim Strategy used to close the gap.

Integrating New Therapies

Often physicians have their “go to” options. They experience how to use new options with expert mentoring on when to use them.

Multidisciplinary Management 

Participants interact with multidisciplinary team members to experience how the roles interact in successful disease management.   

Sequencing Treatment

As participants make virtual treatment decisions, they learn through nuanced feedback, the sequencing strategies experts use.

Biomarkers & Treatment 

By working with virtual peers to treat patients with different biomarkers, one understands when to use new targeted therapies.

Incorporating Biologics

Participants consider therapy options in virtual scenarios and experience when biologics are appropriate via expert mentoring.

Recognizing a Rare Condition 

Front line physicians gain virtual experience recognizing a rare condition, referring to a specialist, and participating in management. 

Staging and Treatment

Virtual scenarios enable participants to practice linking appropriate staging to new optimal treatment strategies with expert feedback.

Options with Comorbidities

Nuanced, expert feedback on each decision allows participants to learn how to modify treatment strategies for patients with comorbidities.

Shared Decision Making

Each AliveSim scenario emphasizes shared decision making by design and when needed, it can also illustrate what great SDM looks like.

Innovative Learning with Proven Effectiveness

Medical Faculty comment on how deep AliveSim decision-making scenarios go.
Scenarios are designed to enable learners to recognize the decision patterns of experts.
Collaborators and faculty provide the medical expertise and AliveSim brings it to life!


Ready to try AliveSim for your next medical program?

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Measure Results

AliveSim captures thousands of learner decisions to measure how well they performed in realistic clinical situations.

Examples of AliveSim Outcomes

The ACEHP Almanac posted a Syandus article entitled: Incorporating Skill Development in CME via Corrective Mentoring.

This article contains many examples of AliveSim Outcomes.

We are proud to report that this article was selected as the top article by the Almanac Editorial Board for 2021.

ACEHP = Alliance for Continuing Education in the Healthcare Professions

AliveSim Analytics 3.0
Example medical education outcomes from AliveSim

Analytics Built In - Not an Afterthought

Measurement components are proactively built into each clinical decision, based on performance gaps identified by faculty.

What AliveSim Captures:

  • Clinical preferences when more than one option is appropriate.
  • Decisions that required the most corrective mentoring (63% of learner decisions, on average, require mentoring)
  • Suboptimal or inappropriate actions learners choose in specific clinical situations
  • Cohort analysis for differences in performance by profession, specialty, and experience level.

Measurable Increases in Confidence, Competence, and Performance

Resonates with Clinicians (hundreds more quotes available)

"Awesome! Would love to participate in CMEs like this one again."       — Internal Medicine Physician

"The BEST approach to CME I have seen in a long time. Excellent program as well as information"  — Physician

"A true brain stormer which broadens your vision in treating mCRC. Please provide the same for other cancers too."  — Medical Oncologist

"Best CE I have done. Very informative and entertaining. Makes learning very enjoyable and builds lasting knowledge." — PharmD, Internal Medicine


Improved Competence within AliveSim: An Example

Decision: Recommend an Optimal Treatment Option in a Severe Atopic Dermatitis Clinical Situation


By practicing in three scenarios with expert mentoring on their decisions, participants improved their ability to recognize optimal decision patterns that experts use. Click here to see more data like this.

Secret of AliveSim | Cognitive Apprenticeship

AliveSim allows learners to safely try new strategies in realistic situations and then gives them personalized, expert coaching on each of their decision. More on cognitive apprenticeship. 

It's like having their own personal mentor there with them.     

How AliveSim Works


The Innovation

  • AliveSim combines cognitive science principles, the realism of game technology, and clinical faculty expertise, to deliver rapid skill acquisition.
  • Participants are immersed in realistic virtual situations with one-on-one expert coaching that gives them experience making optimal decisions.

The Technology

  • Cloud-based for easy deployment
  • Accessible from any web-enabled device, including phones
  • Fluid, interactive conversation and animation
  • Editable and updatable
  • Fully trackable with embedded analytics
NSF logo

Syandus won multiple Small Business Innovation Research awards from the National Science Foundation that fueled the development of the AliveSim platform. It's now a stable, proven, platform for effective learning in healthcare and corporate training.

The Learner's Journey  

Simple Access

  • Access simulations on any device through any modern web browser.
  • AliveSim integrates Healio, Medscape, FreeCME, MyCME, plus provides direct access via a simple link.

Interact – Learn-by-Doing

  • Interact with virtual clinicians and patients in immersive, 3D clinical settings, with rich clinical dialogue.
  • Complete scenario objectives such as assessing a patient’s risk, choosing appropriate testing, or deciding on a treatment strategy.

Receive Personalized Feedback

  • Receive nuanced conversational feedback that emulates the mentoring experience of what the best grand rounds are like.
  • See what your peers recommended.

Practice in More Scenarios

  • Recognize expert decision patterns via practice in multiple situations.
  • Practice in more scenarios to build competence and confidence to transfer learned decision-making to real patient settings.

Benefits of Using AliveSim for Medical Education

  • Syandus' innovative technology and processes create clinically deep, engaging experiences, and the cost structure works well within proposals. 
  • Sophisticated interactive conversation engine allows personalized nuanced clinical feedback, just like faculty would do one-on-one.  One of the AliveSim innovations.  
  • Uniquely facilitates safely applying new clinical knowledge to drive behavior change.
  • Technology, development processes, and learning methodology are proven. 
  • Syandus Team is passionate about learning and easy to work with! 

What are you waiting for?

Let's innovate your medical education initiatives with AliveSim.

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