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Our Vision

15 years ago, we started Syandus with a radical new idea:

Let’s combine cognitive science with 3D game technology to help people learn through virtual experience.


Through the years, we have worked with Fortune 500 companies, leading medical societies, internationally known faculty in their chosen fields, and inspiring educators.


We’re proud recipients of eight Small Business Innovation Research awards from the National Science Foundation that fueled our R&D, demonstrating the promise of immersive learning technology.

We focus on the most often-ignored part of the learning journey:

The successful application of knowledge in real-world situations, the skill of Situational Decision-Making.

Why We Focus on Situational Decision-Making

Most learning/training focuses on knowledge acquisition: facts, systems, products, procedures, and processes. It’s necessary, but retention and efficacy are low, diminishing the return on investment.

Practicing how to apply what is learned in realistic situations boosts retention and more importantly, promotes behavior change in real-world settings.

Think about this: What’s the difference between top performers and average ones? Most often it’s their ability to make optimal decisions in diverse situations. It’s the skill of Situational Decision-Making.

Fortunately, this is a skill that can be learned. Practicing in realistic situations with one-on-one coaching is effective, but involves human capital and is difficult to scale and expensive.

That’s why we’ve developed the first Virtual Practice and Coaching Platform, AliveSimTM, to provide an effective, scalable way for our customers to solve this problem.

Organizations deploy our virtual learning modules to overcome their most common performance gaps in areas such as medicine, sales, leadership, patient coaching, and employee performance.

Our Journey in Virtual Immersive Learning Technology

How It All Started

About 15 years ago, our team began building interactive 3D simulations for doctors to interact with bone structures attacked by osteoporosis, and lungs debilitated by COPD. We were using the same game technology as that of video games at a time, when most computers could not even run 3D games. We admit that we were a bit ahead of the curve – but doctors loved it!

It’s About the Experience

We define success as when learners feel like they’re “in” the learning environment; this boosts engagement and retention. To make decision-making feel immersive, the situation needs to feel real. Over the years we have focused on how to create realistic conversations with virtual humans. After all, in the real world, practice and coaching revolves around interactive conversation, not text or canned video.

Creative Complexity

Developing realistic learning environments with built-in coaching and analytics required us to combine some rather complex disciplines: 3D game engine software, systems engineering, AI, modern learning methodologies, analytics, and complicated subject domains.

Our platform supports the belief that innovation occurs when disparate disciplines come together to solve a problem.

Scalable Technology

Our team has learned to work within the limitations of mobile to deliver 3D virtual experiences to tablets and phones via apps. Apps are difficult to scale and deploy. Therefore, we developed an elegant way to deliver the same experience within a web browser on any device (phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop). This is exciting because online delivery is rapid, scalable, and enables our customers to deliver custom virtual modules via our platform via a cost-effective Software as a Service model.

A Platform for Customization

Many new technology solutions are expensive projects for a customer. Our goal is quite different: We’ve built a flexible platform so that it can cost-effectively address specific performance gaps of our customers. It also enables customers to benefit from all the innovations included in the platform, and the built-in analytics.


It’s been an exciting journey and we will keep innovating!

We’re ready to help your organization innovate your learning and training programs. Our AliveSim Platform is designed to help you improve learning engagement, retention, and maximize skill acquisition.