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Webinar Held on December 4, 2019

Speaker:  Douglas Seifert, PhD

Doug has spoken at a number of recent industry events, including ATD and DevLearn.  During these presentations, he shared his knowledge on immersive technologies, and discussed how organizations might best leverage them.

For this webinar, Doug will provide his latest insight on where these technologies stand today and what is practical given their status.

Doug is founder and CEO of Syandus Inc., and the recipient of 8 National Science Foundation awards for his work developing immersive learning technologies.

In this webinar Doug provides his latest insight on where immersive learning technologies stand today and what is practical given their status.

Expect to see:

  • Actual training examples of 2D/3D simulations, VR/AR, and virtual game technology.
  • An evaluation framework incorporating both organizational and learners' needs, as well as the strengths of the technologies.
  • A list of considerations when deciding to bring new technology into your organization.